Development of Service-oriented Architecture Information Platform
指導教授 黃漢邦
研究生 陳育章
- Advisor :Dr.Han-Pang
Huang Student :陳育章
Lab. of Robotics., Department of Mechanical Engineering National
Taiwan University Taiwan
A Service-oriented architecture is a software architecture that uses loosely coupled software services to support the requirements of business processes and software users. Resources on a network in an SOA environment are made available as independent services.
This paper proposes an information platform that provides a web site system which is derived from SOA concept. This web site follows a real-world condition so that people can access it. For example, users in an organization can login into this web site system and use these web services provided from this site. In this way, information and data can be exchanged and shared rapidly.
This platform applies ADO.NET to connect other database. Besides, in security issues, login/ registry are used in this web site. And GMPP service is also included to alert users and administrator. And then, two cryptography mechanism AES and RSA are mentioned for encryption and decryption. IP filter module can reject IP which is not in security IP list. Additionally, SSL and VPN are applied here for security issue when transaction. For data tracking, an idea “Event-recorder” is used here, in this way, administrator can track and check whether the data was changed or not. Access Control allows users of different departments can access different data with their own access right. Finally, some data mining algorithm, k-means, such as kNN, PCA, SVM, are provided here for decision making when users need.
在現今的社會中,由於資訊量的快速激增,組織中各個部門不再封閉,部門間的溝通日趨重要;光靠傳統的主從式網路架構是不敷使用的。因而除了主從式之外,分 散式的網服務也日益眾要,因而提供一個服務平台來滿足各種網路服務,以及主從式網路架構的需求是未來網際網路日後發展的重要目標。
為了滿足上述的 需求,本論文提出一個一般型的服務導向架構,透過ADO.NET技術來存取資料。在網路服務溝通方面,則是以標準的XML格式,透過SOAP,WSDL等 HTTP通訊協定來進行溝通。在安全性方面,則是採用註冊、登入方式,結合GMPP通報機制,以及AES與RSA加密方式來保護資料安全。另外,對於每個 登入的使用者記錄上站的IP,對IP進行管制。另外也透過SSL與VPN安全通訊協定來增加網路交易時的嚴密性。此外,本論文提出Event- recorder的事件記錄概念,可以讓修改的資料有歷史軌跡。在使用者權限,則是採取access control的想法,讓不同階層的使用者擁有不同的使用權限。
List of Tables VII
List of Figures VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Objectives 3
1.3 Contributions 5
1.4 Thesis Organization 6
Chapter 2 Relevant Research and Background Knowledge 8
2.1 Service-oriented Architecture System 8
2.1.1 Introduction 8
2.1.2 The Application of SOA 11
2.2 Web Service 15
2.2.1 Extensible Markup Language (XML) 18
2.2.2 Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 23
2.2.3 Web Service Description Language (WSDL) 26
2.2.4 Universal Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) 28
2.3 3-tier Client/Server Architecture 30
2.4 Distributed Web Service architecture 33
2.5 Web Portal 36
Chapter 3 System Security and Cryptology 40
3.1 Symmetric Key Cryptosystem-AES 40
3.2 Asymmetric Key Cryptosystem-RSA 45
3.3 Cryptology in HTTP cookies 48
3.4 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) 51
3.5 Virtual Private Network (VPN) 59
Chapter 4 Data Model and System Implementation 63
4.1 Microsoft .NET Framework 63
4.1.1 C# 63
4.1.2 ADO.NET 63
4.1.3 ASP.NET 65
4.2 Web Service Management and Data Model 66
4.2.1 User login Module 68
4.2.2 IP management 72
4.2.3 Data Cryptography 76
4.2.4 Event Recorder 76
4.2.5 Data Search Engine 78
4.2.6 Upload/Download File 81
4.2.7 Users’ Profile 83
4.2.8 Communicating Engine 86
4.2.9 Data Mining Function 88
Chapter 5 Decision-making Service and Statistics Application 91
5.1 Data Mining Algorithm 91
5.1.1 KNN 91
5.1.2 K-means 91
5.1.3 SVM 92
5.1.4 PCA-SVM 95
5.2 Application 97
5.2.1 Case 1 Data Mining Analysis 97
5.2.2 Case 2 Statistics Server 100
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Works 107
6.1 Conclusions 107
6.2 Future Works 108
References 109