Alumni ¡@ |
¡@ |
Class 76
³¯·ç³Ó¡@ |
development of dynamic model and controller of two-robot
coordination)¡@ |
¦¨¤j |
´¿¤å¨}¡@ |
of Constrained Dynamic Systems Base on Eastimated
States)¡@ |
§ù}º_¡@ |
¾÷¾¹¤H°Ê¤O¾Çªº¹Bºâªk¡@ |
ÀÙ«n¸êºÞ |
¸¯¤Í¤¤¡@ |
¾÷¾¹¤H¤§±µÄ²¤O¤ÀªR |
¡@ |
¡ôTop |
Class 77
»¯®Ê¹Å |
¾÷±ñÁuªº¬ã»s¤Î»~®t¤ÀªR |
¡@ |
ªL°¨Às |
§ô¿£©Ê¨t²Î¤§¥iÅܵ²ºc±±¨î¾¹³]p¡@ |
¤¤¬ì°|¤@©Ò |
¡ôTop |
Class 78
§d²M´I |
§ô¿£©Ê¾÷±ñ¤â¨t²Î¤§ÀH¾÷¦ô´ú¾¹»P±±¨î¾¹ªº³]p |
¡@ |
±i§BÁ| |
¼u©Ê»s³y³æ¤¸±±¨î¾¹¤§¨t²Î¼Ò¦¡»P¼ÒÀÀ |
¡@ |
³¯¥@½å |
¾÷±ñ¤âÁuªº¾AÀ³ªý§Ü±±¨î |
¡@ |
¡ôTop |
Class 79
ªô«Ø´¼ |
¾÷±ñ¤ö¤§°Ê¤O¾Ç»P§ìª«¤ÀªR |
¡@ |
¦¶°êâ |
¾÷¾¹¤H±±¨î¨t²Î»P¤O¶q±±¨î¤§¹ê²{ |
¡@ |
ªL¬°»Ê |
¼¸©Ê¾÷±ñÁuªºÂ²¤Æ®©©Ê±±¨î¡@ |
¡@ |
§õ¨ØÁ¾¡@ |
¾÷¾¹¤H¤§Á×»Ùºtºâªk¡@ |
âµØ¬ì§Þ |
¡ôTop |
Class 80
ªô¼y®ï |
adaptive control for robotic deburring) ¡@ |
¡@ |
ªLªe§ø |
and pattern recognition of integrated mobile robot)¡@ |
¡@ |
¾G·ç¤¯ |
°f¶Ç»¼¦¡Ãþ¯«¸gºô¸ô°V½mªk«hªºµo®i»PÀ³¥Î¡@ |
¡@ |
·¨²M¥ô |
(A real-time
linguistically approached self-organizing fuzzy legic
controller-Lasoc) |
¡@ |
¡ôTop |
Class 81
§õ¼s»ô(³Õ) |
of Deburring Processes by Using Robots) |
¡@ |
§f¤é«i |
CMACÃþ¯«¸gºô¸ô¦b¾÷±ñÁu½Æ¦X¤O¶q±±¨î¤Wªº¹B¥Î¡@ |
¡@ |
´¿Ä£µØ |
¼u©Ê»s³y¨t²Î¤§¼Ò²Õ¤Æ¼Ò¦¡«Ø¥ß»P¨t²Î¼ÒÀÀ¡@ |
¡@ |
ªL©sËÕ |
and Simulator Design for Flexible Manufacturing System)¡@ |
¡@ |
±ç¥ü¶v¡@ |
Fuzzy Force Control of Manipulators) ¡@ |
¤u¬ã°| |
¡ôTop |
Class 82
§õ®aª@ |
¼Ò½k²z½×¦A¾÷¾¹¤H§Y®ÉÁ×»ÙªºÀ³¥Î¡@ |
¥x¿n¹q |
¸±Ó´Ü¡@ |
¼u©Ê»s³y¨t²Î¤§²{³õºÊ±±¨t²Îªºµo®i¡@ |
¡@ |
¼B®iµØ¡@ |
ª«¥ó¾É¦V¼Ò½k±M®a¨t²Î¤§µo®i¡@ |
¡@ |
±i¦t¥ú¡@ |
¥Í²£±Æµ{»P²{³õ±Æµ{¤§¾ã¦X¬ã¨s¡@ |
¥x¿n¹q |
¬x¤¸«~¡@ |
Ãþ¯«¸gºô¸ô©ó¤M¨ã¼¯¯Ó°»´ú¤§À³¥Î¡@ |
¡@ |
¡ôTop |
Class 83
½²¸Î¶©¡@ |
»s³y¨t²Î¼Ò½k¥i¾a«×¤§¬ã¨s¡@ |
¡@ |
³¢«Åã¡@ |
¥i¾a«×»P³]³Æ«O¾i¦b¼u©Ê»s³y¨t²ÎªºÀ³¥Î¡@ |
ªø©°¤j¾Ç¾÷±ñ¨t |
¿½®a´é¡@ |
¼Ò½k²z½×¦b¥Í²£±Æµ{¤WªºÀ³¥Î¡@ |
¡@ |
¼BÄ~¤¸¡@ |
¼Ò½k²z½×¾÷¾¹¤H°ÊºAÁ×»ÙªºÀ³¥Î¡@ |
¡@ |
¡ôTop |
Class 84
¤ý«Tµ{(³Õ)¡@ |
(New Approach in Geometry,
Kinematics, Dynamics and Control for Quasi Constrained
Mechanical Systems)¡@ |
ªF«n§Þ³N¾Ç°| |
ªL¥ß¤H(³Õ)¡@ |
(Development of an Dexterous
Hand: NTU-HAND)¡@ |
¥x¿n¹q |
ªL²F´¼ |
(Development of an Intelligent
Medical Identification Model Using EMG and COP Patterns
for Postural Control in Rehabilitation)¡@ |
«ÂÄË¥ú¹q |
§õ©¾¤@¡@ |
(Fuzzy Colored Timed
Petrinet Model in Nerwork Flow Control and Distributed
FMC Emulator Design) ¡@ |
ÂE®ü |
¥Û¹©¥¿ |
(Development of an Envoronment
for Distributed Colored Timed Petrinets)¡@ |
¡@ |
³¨È´I¡@ |
(Design and Control of
Dexterous Hand Master with Force Feedback)¡@ |
¼s¹F |
ªZ§Ó¹F¡@ |
¦h¤â«ü¾÷±ñ¤âNTU-Hand ¢º§ï¶i»s§@º[¤â«ü¶¡ªº¨ó½Õ±±¨î
(Development of NTU-HAND
¢º and Cooperative Control Among Fingers of The Mutli-Fingered
Hand)¡@ |
¼s¹F |
Class 85
Class 86
³°´Â计@ |
(Development of A Pipe
Inspection Robot In A Plant) ¡@ |
¼s©ú¬ì§Þ |
¸«Øµo¡@ |
(Development of Colored
Timed Petri NET Emulator Based on Three-Tier Architecture)¡@ |
ÂE®ü |
³¯«T«Û |
(Development of A Myoelectric
Controller For A Multi-Degree Prosthetic Hand)) |
¤¤ªo |
Áú¥ß·s |
(Development of A Modular Prosthetic Hand: NTU-HAND ¢»)¡@ |
¡@ |
Class 87
³¢«Åã(³Õ)¡@ |
(Development of Distributed
Component Mased Manufacturing System Framework) ¡@ |
¥x¬ì¤j |
§õ«i§Ó¡@ |
(Development of 3-D Laser
Measurement System and Its Application To Industrial
Robot Calibration)¡@ |
Ápµo¬ì |
³¯²Ð°¶¡@ |
(Simulation and Dispatching
for Automated Material Handing Systems in a 300MM
FAB)¡@ |
¥H¬X¸ê°T |
²ø¹Å´¡@ |
(Development of Hybrid
Decomposed Queueing Network Model for an IC Factory) |
¬f§JµÜ¾÷±ñ³Õ¤h¯Z |
¦¿«T¿o¡@ |
(DSP-Based Controller
for a Multidegree Pros Thetic Hand)¡@ |
¥X°êŪ®Ñ |
Class 88
¨L²M°ê(³Õ) ¡@ |
(Geometric Analysis,
Controller Designs and Simulations of Nonholonomic
Systems) ¡@ |
µØ®L¤u±M¾÷±ñ¬ì |
±ç¥ü¶v(³Õ)¡@ |
(Development of a Mutiple
- Soccer-Robot System)¡@ |
¤u¬ã°| |
¤ýõÀs¡@ |
(The Modeling and Control
of The Cluster Tool In Semiconductor Fabrication)¡@ |
¤u¬ã°|¾÷±ñ©Ò |
½²©¯«°¡@ |
(The Development of The
Scheduling Mechanism of a Semiconductor Cluster Tool)¡@ |
¥x¿n¹q |
ªL«T°¶¡@ |
(Application of Visual
Servoing to Reverse Engineering)¡@ |
µØºÓ¹q¸£ |
½²¬fס@ |
(Development and Integration
of a Multi-Fingered Prosthetic System)¡@ |
âµØ¬ì§Þ |
Class 89
Class 90
¡@ ¡ôTop
Class 91
¡ôTop |
Class 92
¡ôTop |
Class 93
Class 94
Class 95
Class 96
Class 97
Class 98
Class 99
Class 100
Class 101
Class 102
Class 103
Class 104
Class 105
¡ôTop |
¡@ |